Learning key phrases in Norwegian can significantly enhance your experience in Norway, whether you are visiting, working, or living there. Here are some of the most useful Norwegian phrases that will help you navigate daily life and communicate effectively.
Basic Greetings and Polite Expressions
Hello and Goodbye
- Hei - Hi
- Hallo - Hello
- God morgen - Good morning
- God kveld - Good evening
- Ha det - Bye
- Vi sees - See you
Polite Phrases
- Takk - Thank you
- Tusen takk - Thank you very much
- Vær så snill - Please
- Unnskyld - Excuse me/Sorry
- Beklager - I’m sorry
Introducing Yourself
Personal Information
- Hva heter du? - What is your name?
- Jeg heter [your name]. - My name is [your name].
- Hyggelig å møte deg. - Nice to meet you.
- Hvor kommer du fra? - Where are you from?
- Jeg kommer fra [your country]. - I am from [your country].
- Hvor bor du? - Where do you live?
- Jeg bor i [your city]. - I live in [your city].
Daily Conversations
Common Questions
- Hvordan har du det? - How are you?
- Jeg har det bra, takk. - I’m fine, thank you.
- Hva gjør du? - What are you doing?
- Hva skjer? - What’s happening?
Getting Help
- Kan du hjelpe meg? - Can you help me?
- Hvor er toalettet? - Where is the toilet?
- Hvordan kommer jeg til [place]? - How do I get to [place]?
- Hvor mye koster det? - How much does it cost?
- Hva er klokka? - What time is it?
Dining Out
Ordering Food and Drinks
- Kan jeg få menyen, takk? - Can I have the menu, please?
- Jeg vil gjerne ha [dish/drink]. - I would like [dish/drink].
- Kan jeg få regningen, takk? - Can I have the bill, please?
- Det smakte veldig godt. - That tasted very good.
At the Store
- Hvor er [item]? - Where is [item]?
- Har dere [item]? - Do you have [item]?
- Kan jeg prøve denne? - Can I try this on?
- Jeg tar denne. - I’ll take this one.
Directions and Transportation
- Hvor er nærmeste busstopp? - Where is the nearest bus stop?
- Når går neste buss til [place]? - When is the next bus to [place]?
- Kan jeg få en billett til [place], takk? - Can I have a ticket to [place], please?
- Hvordan kommer jeg til [place]? - How do I get to [place]?
Emergency Situations
Seeking Assistance
- Hjelp! - Help!
- Jeg trenger en lege. - I need a doctor.
- Ring politiet! - Call the police!
- Jeg er syk. - I am sick.
Numbers and Time
Basic Numbers
- En - One
- To - Two
- Tre - Three
- Fire - Four
- Fem - Five
- Seks - Six
- Sju - Seven
- Åtte - Eight
- Ni - Nine
- Ti - Ten
Telling Time
- Hva er klokka? - What time is it?
- Klokka er [time]. - The time is [time].
- Om morgenen - In the morning
- Om ettermiddagen - In the afternoon
- Om kvelden - In the evening
Expressions and Idioms
Common Sayings
- Det ordner seg. - It will work out.
- Ting tar tid. - Things take time.
- Enig eller uenig? - Agree or disagree?
- Det er helt topp! - That’s great!